Let’s move forward together!

Follow the compass rose!

Start reclaiming your life!

Take the unobstructed road!

The Unobstructed Road is a sometimes messy – but always compelling – collection of stories, thoughts, and ideas designed to put more joy, meaning, and authenticity into your life.

In this conversation, your voice is important, so please leave a comment. Remember that in this sacred space every shared opinion, insight, and experience is valued and respected. However, hate, bigotry, and intolerance have no part in this dialogue. Any conduct of this type is not welcome and will not be tolerated.

Let’s empower our collective voices in a way that is conscious and compassionate instead of being modeled on the old paradigm of conflict. Be honest, be thoughtful, and be direct, but avoid hate if you want your voice to continue to be heard within this circle.

I can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

Jan Desai sitting at her desk writing a blog post | JanDesai.com

The Unobstructed Road

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

Join my tribe, my messy gang, my group of the beautifully imperfect.
I can’t wait to talk!