access divine wisdom |

“We don’t have to go in search of our mission, or purpose. The more we search for it, the more it will elude us. We just have to be ourselves and find our joy in the present moment or do what calls to us in the present moment and our mission will unfold.”
~ Anita Moorjani

I spend way too many hours juggling mountains of perceived responsibilities that I willingly place on my own shoulders in an all-out effort to be the good wife, a compassionate and nurturing mother, a healthy, thriving woman, a loyal and trustworthy best friend, a voracious student of life and an ever-evolving spiritual being. It’s a big job with many hats and one that I needlessly complicate with an outdated belief that I have to “do it all” in order to be worthy of the love of myself, my family and the life that I’m creating.

There are more nights than I care to admit when I wake up at 3 am under the crushing shame, regret and sadness that I somehow dropped the ball, falling short of these lofty responsibilities. I yelled at the kids again… I avoided paying the bills… I neglected my spiritual practice… I forgot to return my friends call for the third time…I was too tired to make my husband dinner… I was so distracted that I ran the car into the stone gate as I pulled into the house. (I used to tell my husband that the car was hit at the store while I was buying groceries, but after the third time, he suggested I update my story or find a safer place to do the shopping!)

I take all these responsibilities very seriously. I struggle to reconcile the qualities that I need to hone in order to “be love, evolve spiritually and be the best that I can be.” After all, I’m 60 now, and the sands in the hourglass of my life are hauntingly deeper and I so want to get it right while there is still time.

Lighten Up and Laugh Already

But then I was deeply struck with shattering clarity by author, Anita Moorjani’s newest book, “What if THIS is Heaven?” an exploration of how our cultural myths prevent us from experiencing Heaven on Earth. Moorjani is the New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me, an inspiring account of her nearly four-year battle with cancer that culminated in a moving near-death experience which vastly changed her perspective on life.

Her latest wisdom, based on what she discovered during her time in the afterlife, freed her to … “Lighten up and laugh more.” She says “We take spirituality too seriously, and it often can take a lot of the fun out of life. The most spiritual act possible is to be yourself, to love yourself, and to love your life and the best way to do that is to have fun and laugh. You are perfect just the way you are right now. Celebrate that fact.”

access divine insightHave fun with my life? Trust me, in six decades of managing life and controlling outcomes, that concept has never appeared on my ‘To Do’ list.

But as iconic Bob Dylan sang, “The times they are a changin…” Today I stand courageously in the fire of my own evolving authenticity and say “I’m ready to step freely into the light knowing that life is always unfolding FOR ME and to move me into greater alignment with my own authentic evolution.

Synchronicity At Work

The day after I finished Moorjani’s book, this is what came home in my five-year-old twins’ backpack.

The To Do List for Kindergartners and Their Families.

Smile a lot.

Laugh even more.

Tell your best friend: “You’re my best friend.”

Learn something fresh.

Say please. Say thank you.

Question things you don’t understand.

See all the beautiful colors in the gardens and faces around you.

Play dress-up. Imagine all the possibilities.

Skip. Jump. Have fun.

Play music. Make music. Dance.

Play games. Don’t worry about winning… don’t worry.

Explore. Create.

Try something new.

Share your candy. Share your toys. And share your heart.

Be yourself!!!

Give thanks for all that you have and all that you are.

Adios Superwoman

So no more hiding behind the superwoman mask and cape. Striving for perfection and a Las-Vegas worthy juggling act doesn’t honor the real me and the unique gifts and qualities that I have come to experience and share.
Today I release my fear and my heartache and begin nurturing the one who needs it perhaps even more than our four children. I’m inviting my inner-kindergartener to come out and play, to get messy, explore, to make mistakes, and yes, even fail. Because only in failing (not perfection) does true growth unfold.

After all, my inner child is quite the character and with our new “To Do list,” she is welcome home.

access divine wisdom and insightHow to Access Divine Wisdom and Insight

If you are ready to allow Divine Wisdom to help you create your most authentic life, then you must prioritize making time to hear the quiet voice that is ready to guide you.

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Cultivate quiet time in order to be receptive to the magic and miracles that are constantly unfolding all around you. I’m not suggesting you sit for hours in solitude so that you don’t miss what is trying to move through you. This Divine insight may come to you between sleep and wakefulness, during your spiritual practice, as you are driving along the highway, or, most often for me, in the shower (the only time in my day that is devoid of distraction, noise, and chaos.) Divine wisdom may be delivered as a whisper… a strong knowing inside your head… or through a song on the radio. It may come in the passage of a book… in a surprising comment from a loved one… or in an unexpected act of kindness from a stranger.

How will you know? You will viscerally “feel” the energy behind it. There will be no mistaking that it is meant for you. And often, the message will arrive multiple times in short order to provide confirmation that this insight is meant exactly for you – as with my book passage and within 24 hours the To Do list from my children’s school.

Your messages are waiting. Trust it. It’s all for you, your joy, and your greater unfolding.

And Thank You for taking the time to read my message today!

Do you struggle with trying to be all things to all people? If you do, I’d love to hear your stories, as well as the tools that you’ve used to find your authentic life.

Live Authentically-

Share this wisdom with your tribe.




Comments (2)

  1. I truly dont know how you have the time for all of it you describe doing for your children and Panache….and wonder if all the experiences you share are yours and yet I trust you are sharing authentically…..and how you would ever have the time to respond to even one email …there must be so could you possibly do it all? …are you doing all the writing in the blogs? Hope you are taking time for yourself…and I must confess some amazement and disbelief at all you describe doing. Im being honest ..please dont take this as a negative response. (Ive read most of your blogs and you have my deepest respect) I LOVE YOU Mary
    p.s. met you in San Francisco at Help Desk years ago…yes we are SOUL family

  2. Finding the courage to reclaim my dreams of a deeply intimate and evolving partnership, collaborative parenting, and now a platform of empowered living to inspire others to reclaim their dreams meant that I needed to courageously allow one other cornerstone quality into my life: The willingness to receive. I am a type-A doer and my husband will tell you that I’m able to accomplish more than most. But by cultivating the willingness to receive support from the village that surrounds us means that I’m not collapsing with exhaustion every night by 5:30 pm. I have the joy, inspiration, and energy to create. With gratitude and support, there is time and space to do it all! I still get up every morning at 5 am and fix the kids a healthy breakfast and Panache and I read stories and tuck them in every evening. Our kids are in bed by 7 pm every night so that the two of us get quality couple’s time. And Panache’s parents spend every weekend with us supporting the entire family!

    As for the wisdom I share, remember I’ve been on this earth for six decades and I believe I have enough stories to fill 10 volumes. Yes, every experience is mine and I am proud of the journey – all of it!

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